Morphogenetic Programming
The aim of this project during my MSc program, was to create a relational morphogenetic ecology of geometrical species, evolving into specific spatioal scenarios in relation with selected environmental consitions.
Kent School of Architecture
Spring 2021
Rhino/GH, VS Code
Growth Algorithms:
The initial phase of this project consisted of an introduction to generative algorithms for creating shapes, structures and spatial arrangements to challenge traditional notions of designing architectural form and space. Various methodologies of simulating natural processes of growth and pattern formation using computational methods:Differential Growth (2D and 3D),L-systems and Recursions,Flocking, Swarming & Stigmergic Flocking.
Generated results:
These morphogenetic algorithms were achieved through the use of C# programming based on object-oriented programming logic. For my stigmergic Ecology I focused on behaviors seen in mammals during the process of migration, and their indirect coordination with surface terrain ie: vegetation/ topography. The concept for this project was based on the interdependence between animals and the terrain within their environment, from which i explored how these may be utilised for design and the generation of architectural form and structure.