Maison Folie
M.Arch Degree Project (2011), Cultural centre in Rye, Sussex.
Rye was and is still recognised for its art culture, through it’s association with ‘Rye Art’. The brief for this project was aimed at prospects already set in place by Rother District Council. The development of a cultural center that aims to, re-instate the historical values of Rye and it’s surrounding monuments, introduce a new central hub connecting the north and south sides of the town, increase tourist activities as well as give something back to the locals.

Historical Values
From any direction and at almost any angle the towns cobbled streets with changing roof pitches and building heights portrait a beautiful hidden gem, at every turn. The narrow passages now, which are indicative of the presence of a once fortified wall surrounding the town, provided an opportunity to revive the tales of rye, through a passage into the alleys that would re-establish the importance of the monuments along the way and lead to a terminal and arrival point nearest to the main public rail and bus services.

Design Proposal
To maintain the continuity of the needle like alley ways into the cultural center, was expressed structurally using the eaves height of all the individual blocks and turning them into a linear, fluid, dynamic path, starting at shoulder height and gradually rising to reach two storeys. Incorporating the central eaves line and the open public footpath, formed tilts on the walls, which continued onto the roof geometry. This design conclusion exaggerated the paths and became an enticing feature for both visitors and locals to occupy the mixed ensemble of spaces, as a single unit, through its public open and sheltered spaces.