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Programming in Architecture

Initial phase of this project consisted of learning and applying methods of visual programming using the Java language based IDE called Processing, and incorporating object oriented programming methods that enable process based visualisation. Exploring algorithms to define natural behaviours of Ant-Agents and Flocking behaviours. I initially explored mathematical equations that we use today that enable us to understand natural forms, ie: Fibonacci sequence and Phyllotaxis. Which continued as I integrated Object-Oriented Programming logic to further explore motion and interactions.


Kent School of Architecture




Spring 2020


Rhino/GH, Processing

See the Unseen

This project, explores human behaviours that are associated to the emotions and mental state - defined as Chakra. I wanted to associated human emotions to social behaviours and explore the forms and spaces created through visual coding and algorithms learnt throughout this project.

Generated Forms​

To further establish forms and spatial qualities I incoporated the use of the 'Marching Cube' Algorithm in Grasshopper/ Rhino3D (Cocoon Plugin). Combining the variables from Processing, and Grasshopper, proved to create some really interesting forms, both in 2D and 3D, which were best expressed through internal conceptual renders.

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